22 Aug

Got Picking Errors? Data Collection Technologies Can Help

Modern warehouse with forklifts

It’s the goal of every company to get more done in less time. To this end, improving warehouse processes, such as increasing order picking accuracy, are critical goals. Picking thousands of items in a day can easily become an inefficient and mistake-prone affair if the right tools and technologies aren’t available for workers—and inefficiency breeds inaccuracy. Fortunately, there are many tools that can be used to increase efficiency, and thus, productivity and accuracy in your warehouse or distribution center.

An automated data collection system can help eliminate mistakes, reduce labor-intensive processes, and make your business run more smoothly overall. There are many data collection technologies currently employed, including warehouse management systems, barcode scanning, RFID, voice systems, mobile computers, and vehicle-mounted computers. The utmost accuracy can be gained by combining some or all of these technologies.

When your technologies work together, what you get is a system driven by real-time information, and a big boost in efficiency for your operation. This efficiency can arise from a multitude of areas, but here are just a few examples:

Less time spent searching

When everything is recorded, you can be sure to know exactly where to find what you’re looking for. Data collection tools provide your database with real-time information so your workers can locate everything with guaranteed accuracy.

Data collection tools provide your database with real-time information so your workers can locate everything with guaranteed accuracy. Click To Tweet

Finding the most efficient path

When relying on technology, you aren’t susceptible to the risks of human error. Technology that interfaces seamlessly with each other presents pickers with tasks and picking locations in the most efficient possible path and order.

Happier employees

Thanks to the above factors, your employees will be more focused and productive because they don’t have to spend as much energy completing their work in an inefficient manner.

Increased picking accuracy is just one of the many benefits of the improved workflow you can gain from data collection tools. All it takes is finding the right combination of technologies that works for your specific needs. Contact The SMS Group to get the help you need implementing your own data collection system.

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